Hot Wheels

Hot Wheels
Nick Exposed
May 21, 2012
Automotive, Canon EOS Rebel t1i, Daily Photo, HDR, Street

ISO100 25mm f/8 2sec

Given this months community project theme is Long Exposures, I figured Id edit another photo from this weekends “car show”.

When it comes to late night lengthy exposures I tend to lean towards the HDR side, so that I have the flexibility of bringing in as much detail as I feel necessary. Once again I went with an over processed car for this image, different from what I usually do, being when I originally seen this car I immediately thought of the Hot Wheels cars I had as a kid, and wanted to bring the look and feel of that childhood memory out in this pic.

I decided in this instance I would leave a bit of the effect from the long shutter to emphasize the exposure time, for example the ghosted person in the background as well as the light streaks off to the left. If I would have thought of it at the time, I would have liked to capture a scene with some people making their way around the car admiring its beauty.

I always love playing with these late night hdr photos, they can be a good amount of fun to see come together. Its incredible how much detail can be captured due to the lengthy exposures.

I look forward to continuing to dive into the subject of Long Exposures with all of you who are joining in on this months Collab Fun!!

Busy Spring At Paint Touch Up And Go in Milton

World’s First Street Legal Flying Car On Sale Now for $300K

This is amazing! Check out the link!  See it in action!

Funny and Interesting Way to Describe A Situation

Comedian Tom Sibley created the popular blog Subway Douchery, which makes fun ofsubway dimwits. Now he lives in subway-deficient Los Angeles and must mock people on the roads as Rubbernecker.

To protect and to serve…and to park as we please! I’ll be the first to admit that the authorities have earned the right to park in places that us civilians aren’t allowed. It’s essential to the execution of their job. To stop them from parking wherever they please would put innocent lives at risk. Have I laid it on thick enough? I think so. All that being said, parking like this in front of a 7-Eleven is just a slap in all our law-abiding faces. We all try to properly stuff ourselves into these tiny spaces out of respect to humanity, but then this po-po pops in and does whatever he wants because his shotgun is mounted on the dash.

I happened to be inside this 7-Eleven purchasing the essentials, (milk, eggs, Spicy Nacho Doritos) when the officer entered. He was the kind of cop that is always filming his own personal sequel to “Training Day” in his imagination. Let’s just say his sunglasses never came off and he walked into the employees-only bathroom like he owned the place. Or at least like someone that was no stranger to their toilet. I felt as if he was going to write me a ticket for my Doritos exceeding the state of California’s “Spicy Limit.” All this being said, I got  in my car, put on the “Drive” soundtrack and pretended to be Ryan Gosling for the next couple hours whilst eating my Doritos. So who am I to complain?

Want Tom to mock a photo you took? Tweet it to @TheTomSibley or @MTVClutch.

** Thank you… you made us laugh so we had to share!!  First, one of our customer’s friends son calls police po-po which we hadn’t heard in a while, and second?  Just funny the way you describe the situation.

Goodbye Boring Vans – Once Again Step Away From Classic to Future

Imagine all those family men in particular who hate vans.  Wouldn’t this be a luxury?  You might even argue over who drives it to pick up the children?  Who would have first dibs on it?  This would be something worthwhile in relation to what most of our families in Canada and the US have been driving.  Affordable?  Probably not.  Realistic?  Most likely not.  Worth dreaming about?  Probably.  But we still think an Astro van with 8 seating places is doable.  Okay, more affordable.  Dreaming is fun though.  Body work on this baby? To match or blend the paint, never mind the materials involved in collision?  We don’t think we even could phantom the answers to that at this point.  This doesn’t even include how to detail such a beauty!  But we know at some point we could find it out. 🙂

**Realistically?  How would those upswing doors work in a parking lot in North America where they are getting smaller and smaller all the time?