World’s First Street Legal Flying Car On Sale Now for $300K

This is amazing! Check out the link!  See it in action!

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang – Before and After

One of our staff members loves the movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.  So we decided to search for the before and after.  It was not easy.  Simple to find the after, but not so easy to find the before. After much searching we finally found the authentic picture.  So we thought we would post this for her to enjoy.  She even went as far as getting a personalized photo of Dick Van Dyke!  Enjoy!

The Arrowhead Teardrop Car

It’s interesting what you can find when you search for “bad auto body work” to educate yourself and the public of how auto body work should NOT be done.  Googling such a request provides some interesting information.  Nothing to do with bad work, but some intriguing facts and such.  So here is one we found particularly interesting.  With this, our opinion is no one wants to have a negative when it comes to auto body.  Otherwise, we would be showing some here, rather than this. 🙂


To Our Last Blog About Dirty Windshields – This is Amazing!!

We were researching dirty windshield winners, and found two we liked.  One simple one and one that we couldn’t believe!  Amazing art, believe it or not.  Apparently this gentleman uses dirty windshields as his canvas.  Our only question is – How can you even want to clean a windshield with such art on it?  Like Chalk Art, it’s the type that you take a picture, then wipe it off.  Not easy to do, but when it comes to windshields, it’s important to do for your safety.  Enjoy the pictures!

This is Scott Wade's windshield art. Amazing.

What we are used to. Be it the kids in the neighbourhood or our spouse and children. 🙂

Note To Mechanic

An auto mechanic received a repair order that read: “Check for
clunking sound when going around corners.”

Taking the car out for a test drive, he made a right turn, and a
moment later he heard a ‘clunk’.

He then made a left turn and again heard a ‘clunk’.

Back at the shop he opened the car’s trunk, and soon
discovered the problem.

Promptly he returned the repair order to the service manager
with the notation, “Removed bowling ball from trunk”.