World’s First Street Legal Flying Car On Sale Now for $300K

This is amazing! Check out the link!  See it in action!

Goodbye Boring Vans – Once Again Step Away From Classic to Future

Imagine all those family men in particular who hate vans.  Wouldn’t this be a luxury?  You might even argue over who drives it to pick up the children?  Who would have first dibs on it?  This would be something worthwhile in relation to what most of our families in Canada and the US have been driving.  Affordable?  Probably not.  Realistic?  Most likely not.  Worth dreaming about?  Probably.  But we still think an Astro van with 8 seating places is doable.  Okay, more affordable.  Dreaming is fun though.  Body work on this baby? To match or blend the paint, never mind the materials involved in collision?  We don’t think we even could phantom the answers to that at this point.  This doesn’t even include how to detail such a beauty!  But we know at some point we could find it out. 🙂

**Realistically?  How would those upswing doors work in a parking lot in North America where they are getting smaller and smaller all the time? 

Travelling In the Early Days


We have people who have told us about their early travels.  With 30 plus experience in this business, we actually remember.  When we say “we”, we speak to at least three of us.  Storage was not as accommodating as it is today.  One of us remembers a father packing up for a wife, four young girls, and an aunt to travel across the country in a station wagon.  Not much room for comfort, no videos, no Smartphones, not much for any luxury, other than singing songs you knew, a tape player that had batteries, and long hours of scenery and stopping off at tourist spots.  How times change.

This picture is nothing like what some of the roofs of travelling cars looked like.  Trust us.

To the younger generation, be thankful.  To the older, be thankful for the memories and the gratefulness we have that we don’t have to tie up (no bungy cords then) to the roof all the luggage we used to have to carry. 🙂

1970 Mach 1 Ford Mustang

We’re working on restoring a 1970 Mach 1 Ford Mustang.  She’s pretty well gutted.  She used to be a medium yellow gold.  We called around for the colour code, seeing as the door was stripped and no metal piece with the code existed.  The Ford dealership didn’t have it, as they only go back as far as the 80’s, but they were nice enough to give us a number to someone who specializes in old colour codes.  We were told it would be two days to get back to us (it’s been 5 so far), but in the interim we Googled it.  Within ten minutes we had the code.  Simple.  Code E.

Site we found?  Picture of the end result to follow.